Is BitGold Safe?
When it comes to making an investment of any kind, the first question you should be asking is whether or not it is a safe investment. Unfortunately, in the past several years there have been altogether too many risky ventures that lost a great deal of money for anyone involved in them. From Ponzi schemes to uncertain futures and options, the general public bought into investments that, when all was said and done, should never have been allowed in the first place.
Because this left a sour taste in the mouths of consumers around the country, when a new gold investment platform like BitGold comes along they either question the validity of it or simply turn away without ever knowing what could have been. Is BitGold safe? Why not read an honest BitGold review ( to see what real, live investors are saying about it?
Spotting Risky Gold Investment Strategies
One thing you should know right from the start is that BitGold is a way to buy real gold bullion, not some risky future or option. The only thing you are wagering on is how much the price of gold will go up over time. Historically, gold continues to climb so in this respect, it is a safe investment. Many financial advisors believe that any portfolio should include gold, but not options or futures.
Gold is always seen as a safe haven and if you own any at all, you are mitigating the amount of risk you take on with other, riskier investments and funds. The key to understanding the risk involved with gold is in knowing whether or not you are buying actual gold or an option to buy at some later date. In a BitGold review ( you will learn that BitGold is real gold bullion that is 99.9995% pure. There is value in owning real gold so there is no risk there.
Can You Protect Your Investment?
Once you realise that gold is a safe haven and if you have found through at least one honest BitGold review that the gold being sold is authentically valued then the next question would be whether or not you can protect your investment. If you can’t, then logically speaking it isn’t safe. When you buy BitGold bullion it is stored in a Brinks vault, protected by Brinks and fully insured against loss or theft. There is no safer way to protect your investment so in terms of security, yes BitGold is safe.
How Easily Can You Liquefy Your Investment?
A safe investment must be one that you can liquefy as the need arises. You are investing in something that you hope will earn a return on your investment but deeper than that, can you return your investment? This means, can you turn around and sell it without a loss if an emergency situation should arise necessitating you to raise capital at the drop of a dime? BitGold comes with a prepaid GoldMoney MasterCard that you can use at a point-of-sale location, withdraw funds at an ATM and even pay bills with the amount you move to the card from the value of your gold. BitGold is the easiest and fastest way to return your investment should the need arise.
If you can be assured that you are buying real gold bullion and that it will be kept safe in a vault for you, fully insured and easily redeemed, then you can be assured that it is a safe investment. After careful consideration of all these important factors, you should now see that BitGold is safe. Still having doubts? If it takes seeing to believe, check out the website and start small. With little invested you have little to lose and although any loss is too much, at least you can be assured BitGold is safe because you will never be asked to buy more than you can afford. That’s safety. That’s BitGold.
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